Addiction is a Response to Trauma: My Halloween Story

Addiction is a Response to Trauma

I don’t know how a trauma in my family a few generations back might show up in my life, that is until I recently passed up buying a pumpkin. I stood in front of a beautiful pumpkin at a farm stand. It was marked half price and I stood in front of it, frozen, unable to decide if I wanted to buy it. I walked away from that pumpkin feeling sick to my stomach.

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Let’s talk about Ritalin and Adderall

Let's talk about Ritalin and Adderall

It’s clear that long term use of ADHD medications can be harmful and addictive, especially when used by individuals who do not suffer from ADHD. However, it is a lot less clear how to solve the problem, especially since we inevitably come up against the interests of huge pharmaceutical corporations.

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